In order to provide transparency we aim to follow the OpenStartup philosophy raised by Pieter Levels.

Although rewards for the pools will be, obviously, publicly available, our idea is to extend that information on this page by explaining costs and future plans and to provide insights about the business lively like Pieter do for its NomadList.

PEACE Pool Costs Summmary

| Description | Monthly cost |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
| Kubernetes cluster * | ~$200 |
| Homepage: currently on Github Pages | - |
| Domain registration (until we move to larepsistance on HNS) | ~$3 |
| Pool operator workforce | ~$100 |

* 2*3VCPU/4GB (ha-monitoring) + 4*3VCPU/4GB nodes (3 * public relays + 1 block producer)

PEACE Pool billing publishments